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My Perosnal Top 10 Favorite Movies #10-6

Sunday, October 1, 2017

An Introduction to this Blog

                          Just a Few Words About This Blog

       I think that I watch way too many movies in my free time, however, I could be doing things that are a lot worse for myself. 

      When it comes down to it, I started this blog for a class assignment.  But, I've always thought about starting a blog about movies, this just gave me the incentive to actually start it.  I hope that I can bring my knowledge or opinion to this blog, and those who read it.
      Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes in my off-time.  I am twenty years old and in college, so I have a decent amount of free time to watch some quality films.  I do also play baseball though, so my movie-viewing time is cut down a significant amount from where it could have been. 

      I have a list of my top ten favorite movies memorized in my head, which I will not release on this post, but will be posted later... just in case anyone was interested about that.

      Just a fore-warning, I am not a movie critic, this is just my opinion that will be published on this blog.  Viewer discretion is advised (not really).  So, these may not be the most professional reviews this side of the Mississippi, but I do have my fair share of movie-viewing experience.  This blog has some credibility behind it, but not enough to be relevant in Hollywood.


  1. Love the blog! Keep it up!

  2. Happy to see Baby Driver make it's way into your top 10!! This is fantastic...great job on the blog!!
