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My Perosnal Top 10 Favorite Movies #10-6

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

My Personal Top 10 Favorite Movies #5-1

5. Army of Darkness (1992)
Image result for Army of Darkness
Army of Darkness is not a cinematic powerhouse, its not going to change the way that movies are made, but I still love it.  It is a movie that is so bad that its simply fantastic.  The dialogue is very cheesy, it is not Tarantino-esque, there are one-liners for days that are delivered by the legendary Bruce Campbell.  The special effects are not going to blow anyone away either.  There are very clunky skeletons that are reminiscent of the original Clash of the Titans from 1981, and the fight scenes are not very inspiring.
Despite all of that, this movie is great because it does not take itself too seriously.  Directed by Sam Raimi, who is a quality director and staring Bruce Campbell himself, this movie pretty much makes a joke of itself.  The third movie in the Evil Dead trilogy, this film takes a turn from the previous two.  Evil Dead one and two were much more horror than Army of Darkness.  This is a quality movie that you have to approach with the right mindset, you cant expect the Shawshank Redemption when you sit down with this DVD in.

4. Leon: The Professional (1994)
Image result for leon the professional
Unlike Army of Darkness, The Professional does take itself seriously. This movie is fantastic, in all aspects.  Directed by Luc Besson, who has had some questionable films come out recently, and starring Jean Reno, Natalie Portman and Gary Oldman, it is tough to beat this.  Leon (Reno) and Mathilda (Portman) form an unusual relationship throughout this movie after Mathilda's family is murdered by a corrupt officer (Oldman).  Leon then teaches Mathilda the trade of being an assassin, or cleaner, as he refers to it.  Reno and Portman are fantastic and carry the movie well.  Oldman provides a fantastic villain for the two, in which I believe that is his best performance.  All the actors blend well and bring this story to life, and Besson provides direction to the best of his ability.
This movie is simply fantastic not matter which way you look at it.  This movie has great ratings on every movie website that I have seen, so at least some people agree with me.

3. The Goonies (1985)
Image result for The goonies
The Goonies is a tale about every child's dream, Chasing after the long-lost pirate and finding his treasure.  The story of Mikey, who's father cannot pay the bills anymore and is on the verge of foreclosure, steps in to help.  He recruits his group of friends to find One-Eyed Willy's treasure so they can stay in the neighborhood.  I have fond memories of this movie from when I was a child.
Featuring probably the greatest child-star cast in history, Richard Donner directs them to a memorable movie about doing what others cannot.
Starring Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, Jeff Cohen, Corey Feldman and Kerri Green, these actors work together fantastically.  Corey Feldman stands out as his character is very sarcastic and talks too much for his own good.  This movie is a classic and should be shown to kids for years to come

2. The Big Lebowski (1998)
Image result for the big lebowski
The Big Lebowski really does not have a plot, and it works plenty fine without one.  Who says you need a plot?  The masterpiece by the Coen Brothers is driven by its characters and the Coen's unique style.  Jeff Bridges plays the Dude, a lazy bum with a fascination for white Russians and who just wants to go bowling.  Because he shares the name Jeff Lebowski with a millionaire, he gets caught up in a kidnapping scheme that is all sorts of convoluted.  He is joined by his two friends on the bowling team. Walter, a loud-mouth Vietnam vet and Donny, who can barely get a word in.
With Jeff Bridges as the Dude, John Goodman as Walter, Steve Buscemi as Donny, Philip Seymour Hoffman as Brandt, John Turturro as Jesus Quintana and Sam Elliot as the narrator, you will be hard pressed to find a better comedy cast.
This movie is fueled by its zany cast of characters, and you won't even have to worry about a plot to follow, just enjoy this wacky adventure and laugh about it after the fact.
The Dude just wanted his rug back, man.

1. The Princess Bride (1987)
Image result for the princess bride
Now I will start this off by saying I usually an not a fan of romances, however, this movie does not feel like one.  This is an adventure, filled with giant eels, princess kidnappings, friendly giants and plenty of swordplay.  Any romance that includes Andre the Giant is plenty fine with me.  Directed by Rob Reiner and based on the book of the same name, this movie actually plays out the book as a grandfather reads it to his sick grandson.
Cary Elwes plays Westley, a former farm hand to the beautiful Robin Wright, who plays Buttercup.  They fall in love, but Westley has to leave, and when word reaches Buttercup that Westley's ship was attacked by the Dread Pirate Roberts, she is devastated.  She is then selected to become the wife of Prince Humperdink, who has bad intentions.  Westley eventually comes back for her, and it is one of the greatest adventures ever told.  They are joined by Wallace Shawn as Vizzin, Andre the Giant as Fezzik, Mandy Patinkin as Inigo Montoya, Christopher Guest as the six-fingered man and Billy Crystal as Miracle Max.
This movie has a little something for everyone.  It has romance, action, kidnapping, betrayl, Rodents of Unusual Size and even torture, if you're into that sort of thing. I think that the casting is fantastic, even down to Fred Savage as the sick child.  I believe that this movie is perfect, and it is my favorite movie of all-time for a reason.  The only thing that would make it better is......nothing.

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