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My Perosnal Top 10 Favorite Movies #10-6

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

My Perosnal Top 10 Favorite Movies #10-6

10. Office Space (1999)
Image result for office space
Office Space, in my opinion, is a perfect depiction of just how bland and monotonous the cubicle life could become.  I, personally, do not work in a cubicle.  However, I know plenty of people who have worked or currently work in a cubicle.  And boy have I heard stories.  Whether it was about getting memos or just attempting to avoid the boss so they wouldn't have to work on Saturday.  Now, the whole scheme based on Superman II, that story I have not heard.
Ron Livingston, David Herman and Ajay Naidu work well together on-screen and three disgruntled office workers.  Those characters have reminded many people of themselves multiple times. Gary Cole has a fantastic performance as the typical cubicle boss.  Added on that, Jennifer Aniston has good chemistry with Ron Livingston and plays a great waitress who is fed up with her lot in life.
All these things together make this a great film and my tenth favorite movie to date.

9. Dredd (2012)
Image result for dredd 2012
Dredd is my favorite action movie at this point in time.  There was another version of this film made back in 1995 starring Sylvester Stallone.  This 1995 movies was pretty subpar, if not terrible.  Dredd from 2012 turned out fifty times better.  It starts with the director, Pete Travis.  He learned from some of the downfalls of the 1995 version.  The character of Judge Dredd was fantastic.  He was more of a figure than a person.  In a world of chaos and without much order, Dredd is a symbol of justice for the Mega City One.  He was tough and unwavering and someone I would not like to meet in a dark alley. 
Karl Urban turned in one of his most impressive performances I have seen as the hardened Judge Dredd.  He pulled off the tough and gritty look with the personality to match it.  Olivia Thirlby worked well with Urban as the rookie judge Anderson.  She played an inexperienced law-keeper who was slightly in over her head. 
Meanwhile, Lena Headey turned in a chilling and disturbing turn as the drug overlord Ma-Ma.  She rules over the block with an iron fist and nobody dares challenge her, until Dredd and Anderson.

8. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
Image result for kiss kiss bang bang
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is an action comedy film directed by Shane Black, known for the Lethal Weapon series.  This movie stars Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer as two men caught up in a convoluted scheme.  RDJ, who plays Harry Lockhart has a great performance as a man who has been mistaken for an actor and shipped to Los Angeles. There, he gets detective lessons from a private investigator known as Gay Perry (Kilmer). These two have fantastic chemistry and play the buddy-cop role in this film. Something that Shane Black is known for. 
RDJ and Kilmer carry the movie together with comedy and an incredible voice-over by Downey Jr.  They are joined by Michelle Monaghan among others as supporting characters who fill out the rest of the movie quite well.  Overall, this is a fun movie to watch, as it keeps you guessing what is going to happen next, the mystery contains so many little details and obscure reasons that it keeps you constantly guessing.  This is a fantastic buddy-cop movie that falls in the eighth spot on my list.

7. Baby Driver (2017)
Image result for Baby Driver
I absolutely loved Baby Driver when I saw it in theaters this summer.  What first caught my attention was the music, the music choices were fantastic by Edgar Wright, along with his direction.  The car chase scenes were some of the best that I have seen in any film, tense and entertaining, everything a car chase scene should be.  The first six minutes of the movie are all you should have to watch to know that you are in for a treat. 
The casting choices made in this Edgar Wright flick are nothing short of excellent.  Ansel Elgort is a great fit for the role of Baby, innocent and stuck in a place where he does not want to be.  Jamie Foxx is great once again as the criminal known as Bats, very intense and almost disturbing.  Jon Hamm plays a great supporting character who goes by the name of Buddy.  And, of course, you cannot forget about Kevin Spacey, who adds this performance to his ever-growing list of fantastic roles. 
All of these characters gel well together along with the direction from Edgar Wright and the music.  All of these factors come together to create my seventh favorite film of all time.

6. The Departed (2006)
Image result for The Departed
Directed by the legendary Martin Scorsese and featuring a cast that would make any movie-lover salivate, this movie is one of the greatest mob films made.  From deceit to violence and a convoluted storyline, this has everything someone would want from a film about the mob.  Despite how great the direction from Scorsese is, it is the performances that really drive the film forward.  From the main characters to the supporting cast, this movies contains actors that cinema-goers know and love. 
At the top is the ever-terrific Leonardo DiCaprio, and no, he did not win a Oscar for this movie. Right next to him is another critically-acclaimed actor, Matt Damon.  These two play a pair of moles for opposing sides, Damon for the mob and DiCaprio for the police.  These two race to uncover the other's identity before their own cover is blown.
Taking his turn as the mob boss is Jack Nicholson, who is also great as he shows calculating, brutal and sometimes unhinged behavior.  He really drives the point across that he is not to be messed with, by anybody.
On the opposite side of him is the duo of Martin Sheen and Mark Wahlberg.  These two run the undercover department in the state police.  Wahlberg serves as the comic relief for this dark film, which is much needed at some points in the film. Martin Sheen fills his role well as a high ranking member of the department. 
Joining them are others such as Alec Baldwin and Ray Winstone.  This is a fantastically paced movie with terrific acting and a great storyline.  You will be on the edge of your seat as you view this film, over and over again.

This is beginning of the list for my ten favorite movies of all time.  I hope you enjoyed, and thank you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Great job! All of your descriptions of the movies made me intrigued and want to see them. I can't wait for the next set of movie reviews! :)
