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My Perosnal Top 10 Favorite Movies #10-6

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Harvey Weinstein

Image result for Harvey weinstein
This is a subject that is very big in the news these last weeks, and with good reason.  Harvey Weinstein, a once respected figure in the movie world, has had some things come to light that he would rather have left in the closet.  Multiple actresses have come out to the news and other sources claiming that Weinstein did some unsavory things.  These include sexual harassment and assault.

I do not know all the details, nor will I ever, but this is something that just cannot be ignored.  For this many women to come out and unite against Weinstein, something is seriously wrong.  My opinion in this topic does not even matter, but I think that this subject is important enough.  I believe that you should respect everyone, unless they give you a reason not too, and this is certainly good enough of a reason. 

This is just despicable for one of my favorite business in this world.  For this to happen to this many women for this long is just not right, and it sickens me.  Weinstein deserves everything that is coming to him and probably more.  He should never be involved in any movies any longer and should never be considered. 

I usually do not like to think about things like this, getting involved in social issues, but this happened to one of my favorite industries.  This will not stop me from watching movies, but something needs to be done about this situation. 

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately I feel this is just the beginning. Weinstein thought he was too important and influential..My how the mighty have fallen. This ongoing sordid side of the movie and television industry has to stop! With this growing investigation and new victims coming forward daily, long overdue change is in the air.
