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My Perosnal Top 10 Favorite Movies #10-6

Saturday, November 4, 2017

My Top 5 Marvel Cinematic Universe Movies

With the public release of 'Thor: Ragnarok', I thought that it would be a good time to put this list together.  I love this shared universe that Marvel has going, and I believe that it has fulfilled the expectations set on it.  It has brought to life some of people's favorite Marvel superheroes, something that has been done poorly in the past.  In the next year, the universe will only get larger and more popular, and it already one of the most successful franchises of all time.  So, here is the list of my top 5 Marvel Cinematic Universe Movies.

5. Doctor Strange (2016)
Image result for doctor strange

Something that is quite different than what Marvel has ever tried to do. This film introduces to world of magic to the MCU, and it does that quite well.  Marvel placed Scott Derrickson in the director's chair for this foray through the world of magic, and he rewarded them with one of the better movies in the MCU.  Benedict Cumberbatch brings Doctor Stephen Strange to the big screen with great success. He plays the arrogant neurosurgeon quite well, as he usually does with any role.  The audience can get behind the character as he struggles with the concept of magic and learning how to control and utilize it.
Doctor Strange is one of my favorite comic characters, and I am extremely happy with his costume and appearance in the movie.  His costume us pretty spot on from the comics and that does not happen very often.  Cumberbatch is joined by names such as Tilda Swinton and Rachel McAdams, and they all do a good job for their characters.  This was a very quality film with a good storyline.  This opens up so many options for the MCU to go with the new magic aspect, and I am excited for it.  The only problem I have with this movie is the villains (Marvel does not always have the greatest villains), they are not great.  Kaecilius, while played well by Mads Mikkelsen, could have been much better, along with Dormammu.  They could have been much stronger and better villains for Dr. Strange.  Besides that, this movie was pretty darn good.

4. Iron Man (2008)
Image result for iron man movie
The movie that started the whole universe is also one of the best and most entertaining.  Robert Downey Jr. plays the Billionaire philanthropist Tony Stark in a role that he plays to perfection.  One thing Marvel does really well is casting for their characters, the actors become the characters that they play, and Downey Jr. is one of the best.  When you think of Iron Man you think of RDJ, and that does not always happen.  It has happened with Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool, and RDJ as Tony Stark is in that category.  It is his amazing performance that really drives the films and makes the original exceptional.  Not to downplay the help of Jeff Bridges and others, but this is RDJ's movie.
John Favreau takes the helm of this film and he does a great job of directing the ship, while even having a small role in the series. This film just works so well and the animation and CGI is great that does not take away from the story at all.  This film worked so well that is spawned what is the Marvel Cinematic Universe now.  The only gripe, as with many Marvel Movies, is that the bad guy is not a strong point of the movie.  However, the on-screen adaptation of the hero is fantastic.  Like I said, RDJ is perfect for the role and the suit looks great on the big screen.  All of that together makes this one of the best movies in the MCU.

3. Captain America: Civil War (2016)
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Civil War is a great film that launches the MCU into a new phase and sets up upcoming movies very well.  This movie takes a more serious turn than previous movies in the MCU, however, it keeps the trademark humor that Marvel is known for.  This movie has many moral questions that tear up the famed team of heroes.  Directed by the Russos, this movie blends together the stories and the backgrounds of the whole of the Avengers and pits them against each other.  Something that you do not see in superhero movies, the Avengers split in two and fight each other as the movie progresses.  Some people were worried that there were too many players in the movie and they would not get enough screen time each. However, this question is invalid now, everyone gets enough screen time and are utilized well to keep the film going. Once again, one of the only gripes is the villain.  Helmut Zemo was pretty weak with a questionable plan, something that Marvel cannot seem to get away from.
Introducing new characters that people have been waiting for to join the existing avengers, it works even better.  The appearance of Black Panther and the much awaited Spider-Man set up future films fantastically.  Spider-Man: Homecoming has already made a successful release this past summer, and with Black Panther coming soon, the film helped sell other movies as well. All of the actors and actresses blend very well on screen, and that helps the film to move and gel even better.  This film is one of the top MCU movies so far, without a doubt.

2. The Avengers (2012)
Image result for the avengers
The first major team-up in the MCU, this brings all the first movies together in a long-awaited film.  The Avengers was a major test for the young MCU, as this was the first attempt to make a movie with many superheroes at once.  Making sure that they get enough screen time and do not overshadow each other.  Luckily, they had the right director for the job.  Joss Whedon did a fantastic job with this film, keeping a nice balance throughout the film.  All of the actors also gelled quite well and were very believable as a team. Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo and Jeremy Renner all keep the movie together and moving along.  With supporting roles played well by Tom Hiddleston, Cobie Smulders and Samuel L. Jackson that play well with the other major roles, this film was great performance wise.
Loki is a good character and probably Marvel's best villain, but his plans are always wacky and seem too complicated.  This is their best villain performance so far, but Loki is still not a great villain.  However, this movie works well even without a great villain. People were just happy to see a superhero team hit the big screen together, and they were very happy with this movie.  I was one of those people, and I would say that this is the second-best movie in the MCU.  This movie was great and paved the way for other superheroes to hit the big screen.

1. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Image result for guardians of the galaxy
This is, without a doubt, my favorite MCU film to date.  Everything about this is great, except, once again the villain.  He is not a great villain, imposing, but not great overall.  James Gunn has made a fantastic movie and struck gold with this lesser known superhero team.  With fantastic humor that is intensified from the cast, along with some serious and emotional moments, this film mixes that well.  The greatest part of the movie is the cast and the actors that make these characters come to life.  Chris Pratt is absolutely great as Peter Quill, or Star Lord.  He is hilariously immature and selfish to start.  the way he grows throughout the movie is great to bring the team together. He is joined by Zoe Saldana as Gamora the green skinned assassin, Dave Bautista as Drax, who I think is the most underrated character in the MCU, Bradley Cooper and the loudmouth Rocket Raccoon and Vin Diesel and Groot.  They are joined by a great list of supporting Characters. Michael Rooker as Yondu, Karen Gillian as Nebula and John C. Reilly as Corpsman Dey.  The actors and the cast are fantastic and really make the movie.
The other fantastic part is the soundtrack.  This is a flashback to rock and roll that many people loved and some other films attempted to go with.  This music fits into the storyline well, with Peter Quill from earth and the time when that music was popular.  This just adds to the greatness of this film and is the greatest in the MCU.

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