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My Perosnal Top 10 Favorite Movies #10-6

Friday, November 10, 2017

My Favorite Film Director

My favorite director is actually a pair of Directors.  These two brothers bring to life quirky characters and humor with a unique style.  However, they were not always directors of quirky humor.  Their first film had a completely different style than their later films.  However, they do make films with a more serious style, and even won as Oscar in 2008 for best picture.  With that said, my favorite film directors are the Coen Brothers, Joel and Ethan.
Image result for the coen brothers
My second favorite movie of all time is actually directed by these two, The Big Lebowski.  This film is one of the biggest cult movies of all time.  I'm almost positive that there was a religion founded after the main character and they even have a church.  Now that is saying something about a movie, when there is a religion based on the main character.  This film is the perfect example of the Coen's quirky humor.  The other film that is best known by them is Fargo.  Fargo also shows off their style and humor as it follows the botched kidnapping scene in and around the town of Fargo.
They do not always keep their humor on every film.  They have made their share of serious and darker films.  These include the remake of True Grit, which was successful and a very quality film.  They also were the directors of the 2008 best picture winner, No Country for Old Men.  This was a successful, as it won more than just best picture, as it won best supporting actor and best direction.

They have a few actors who they employ and frequently collaborate with.  These include Frances McDormand, Steve Buscemi, Peter Stormare, Jeff Bridges and John Goodman.  They have even collaborated with big names like George Clooney more than once.

With these accolades and great films that these two have made, there is not a doubt that they are my favorite directors in Hollywood.

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